Binaya Baral


I'm Binaya Baral

I'm a Software Engineer.

Over the last 3 years, I gained meaningful experience in diverse development strategies through mixed approaches based on Design, Thinking and Development using various technologies that would suit each use case while also helping businesses and individuals create their strong presence in the modern day web.

Currently, I am working as a Software Engineer at Leapfrog Technology, Inc.

Explore Me
Recent Works
  • COVID-19 Information Center

    Get latest information about coronavirus statistics. Application shows the latest statistics of the world and Nepal. Different countries can be selected to see the number of cases in each country. In case of Nepal, different states, districts and municipalities can be selected to see the statistics.

  • Responsive Organizational Landing Page with Sliders and Tabs

    This is a responsive landing page for an organization. Highly customizable and contains essential layouts for a proper landing page. As it is constructed in html5. css3 and vanilla JavaScript, it has high performance and high flexibility.

  • Social Platform

    A social platform where you can share your thoughts. The platform allows users to sign up or sign in. All the posts made by everyone in the platform is visible to the user and any logged in user can post and comment on other posts. Comments by a user can be deleted by the same user only and the same is for the post.

  • E-commerce Website

    Full Stack E-commerce application that allows shopping online

  • Stock Market App

    UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Keep track of currency and stock market from a single app. Currency, Stock Price (Enable CORS extension Required), Broker Contact and Calculator is completed.

Recent Works
  • How to activate windows 10 for free
    How to activate windows 10 for free

    Bugged by the message "Activate windows"? Learn how to activate windows for free using the script file.Windows 10 is the most famous operating system around the world. According to a recent survey, around 79% of total personal computers are using windows 10. While windows may be the most popular, it certainly does not come free of cost. You might have come across this article while searching for a way to remove this annoying message.

Contact Me:

If you are interested, you can contact me for futher information.
